Thursday, September 12, 2013

Movie Pitch: Green Lantern Reboot

Now since Green Lantern 2011 was a flop at the box office (but I liked it) it will be inevitable that they will reboot the movie in a few years just before the Justice League movie comes out. So I have an idea what this reboot should be...don't do an origin story. As much as I loved Man of Steel I am getting really sick of origin stories and since it was already done what you should do is make the movie so that Hal Jordan (No not Jon Stewart or Kyle Rayner) is already established himself as the Green Lantern but he's still just beginning so only a few members of the corp actually like him: Tomar-Re and Kiliwog. Throughout the film, Hal Jordan is doubting himself as a Lantern and keeps reliving how he became the Green Lantern via flashbacks, he is worried that since he couldn't save his father or Abin Sur that he will fail as a Green Lantern. During all this the Green Lantern named Sinestro has been banished by the Guardians to the Antimatter Universe, he uses his yellow ring of fear to escape so that he can take revenge on the Corps. During all this, Hal Jordan keeps visiting Earth to find an answer to his problems and try to solved some issues with his family and loved ones. The Guardians sense that a large amount of yellow energy has been released onto Oa beneath the surface, the Corp goes to investigate and discover Sinestro wielding a yellow ring of fear infecting the main battery with yellow energy, this began to make all the Green Lanterns weaken and some even die. Tomar-Re quickly took a piece of the central battery that still had Green Energy within in and sent it to Earth, to Hal Jordan, along with a message via ring communicator saying that he is the last Green Lantern with the power of will now and he must stop Sinestro before he corrupts the Corp. So Hal Jordan must make the choice, give up or fight Sinestro. After stopping an group of armed terrorists and saving many civilians, Hal Jordan gets his courage back for he sees the Corps like those civilians and Sinestro as the terrorist so he flies to Oa where first he tries to talk Sinestro down with a speech but Sinestro just gives a cheap shot attack but this doesn't stop Hal Jordan, he accepts his fear but rises above it to fight Sinestro. After a long battle, Hal Jordan sends Sinestro back to the Antimatter Universe without the yellow ring, then restores the central battery to normal turning it back to green energy thus saving the corp from corruption. The Lanterns then treated Jordan like a war hero and Hal Jordan smiled feeling proud and learning that doubt leads to fear.

Hal Jordan - David Tennant, one of my favorite actors, known for Doctor Who or Broadchurch I think he would be a great Hal Jordan because he is great at action, being funny and sassy, and dramatic acting.

Sinestro - Joaquin Phoenix, another one of my favorite actors, known for movies like Signs, We Own the Night, and Walk the Line, Phoenix proves that he is a great character actor but we haven't seen him do many action flicks so I think this is his time to shine in one and as a villain.

Tomar-Re - Cary Elwes, a more underrated actor since I haven't seen him do much but I would love to hear him play Tomar-Re.

Kiliwog - Now the late Michael Clarke Duncan was a great Kiliwog and he will be missed but if I have to choose a recasting it has to be Vin Diesel, kind of predictable but I just feel that his voice is perfect for Kiliwog.

Carol Ferris - Olivia Wilde, in the story I came up with she doesn't have a huge part but he does visit her.

Director & Writer - Joseph Kosinski, for his work with one of my favorite movies: Oblivion I think his style with aesthetics would be great for Green Lantern.

Title - Green Lantern: Emerald Crusader

Well thats my pitch for the reboot, tell me your thoughts down below